Monday, November 17, 2008

Uno Mas Sign of a Sucker

Every once in awhile a product comes along that is so innately stupid that it actually makes me angry. In this case, that product is called an "Uno." For those of you who have yet to catch "Uno Fever," let me explain why you would be a complete f*cking idiot to get in on this scheme. The item above is an Uno, and is advertised as magnetic jewelry. In reality, this piece of "jewelry" consists of an extra long keychain held together by a tiny magnetic ball (the picture above is magnefied about 100 times -- the silver ball is about 1/2 the size of my pinky fingernail). Now, if you're a 13 year old girl, I could see you falling for this type of garbage; if so, please have one of your friends slap you. Hopefully, the rest of you are intelligent enough not to spend SIXTEEN dollars for something that's really only a reason for the rest of us to make fun of you. If you're that desperate, I'll make fun of you for free.

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