Tuesday, November 4, 2008

One for the People

For decades, many offices across America have strived to make their employees feel more comfortable. Whether it's through ergonomic chairs or LCD monitors, companies have found that a comfortable worker is a productive worker. It was along these same lines of thought that Corporate America came up with the concept of Casual Fridays.

Some people aren't so lucky. Some people are required by their faith and community to ride horses, sit on logs, drink straight from the udders and wear scratchy homespun wool every day of their lives. In the hopes of spreading some corporate cheer, I propose that from here on out, every Tuesday will be known as Casual Menonite Tuesday. Let down your hair, my friends, and throw on some jeans -- you've earned it! Want to take a ride in the swivel chair? Be my guest! That barca lounger has your name on it! Welcome to Casual Menonite Tuesday!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I really don't know where you come up with this stuff.

But it is brilliant.

CT for Pres.