Wednesday, December 10, 2008

One for the Guys: Urinal Etiquette

Okay, now most of these rules may seem self-explanatory, but there are definitely people out there that should follow these tips:
1) Do not pee on the top of the urinal
2) Do not pee on the floor (this means you, 21st floor puddle monkey)
3) Do not rest your hands/elbows on the divider between the urinals while standing next to another man. You can support your own weight for 35 seconds.
4) If you must talk to your neighbor, eye contact is NOT necessary or appreciated. It's creepy.
5) If stage fright happens, please step back and take a moment to gather your thoughts. It is not okay to hold up the rest of us while you shuffle your feet and think watery thoughts. This is twice as important in a crowded venue, i.e. a stadium, after a movie, etc.

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